7 Tips for Viral Marketing Success: Lessons from the 2012 Election

By: Stephanie Aanstoos, Account Executive You want more page views, subscribers, followers and fans, right? Well, if you can get something to go viral online, you’re guaranteed to increase your online traffic. The question is: how exactly can you get your message to go viral? I know, we’ve all grown weary of politics by now, but…

Frightful PR Tales

By: Adrianne Miller, Account Manager While errors are commonplace to human nature, the occasional public relations blunder generally results in a higher magnitude of consequence than your everyday faux pas.  When PR professionals fail, they fail publicly.  Imagine making a judgment error that erupts into an epic failure, recognized by all. Feelings of dread, miserable nausea and heightened…


By: Madelynn Graham Account Coordinator Since 1896, the modern Olympic Games have evolved substantially from eager citizens waiting for printed results of their country’s best athletes.  Olympic coverage started as delayed newsprint, progressed to live radio and television broadcast, and transitioned to the age of the Internet and social media.  Spectators now have more options…

Image-Based vs.Text-Based Social Media: Is Seeing Believing?

By: Madelynn Graham Account Coordinator As social media grows, networks emerge under two major classifications: the journalistic-centered versions of social media that requires users to read the information presented, and the more recently popular visual social media that present information in an image-centric way. These categories reawaken the reading vs. seeing debate. Pinterest (recent statistics…