How Google SEO and your Podcast equals double ROI for you digital marketing campaign

How Google SEO and your Podcast equals double ROI for you digital marketing campaign Understanding the value Google places on original content on the web is an important factor in determining the tactics of your digital marketing campaign. Learn why leveraging written transcriptions of your podcast can boost your SEO (search rankings) and yield double…

4 Must Haves for Building Landing Pages that Convert: Think Mobile-First

4 Must Haves for Building Landing Pages that Convert – Think Mobile-First While websites can produce lead generation opportunities, landing pages are designed to ONLY produce leads. In today’s episode we discuss the 4 must haves for building landing pages that convert. Tune in. 4 Must Haves for Building Landing Pages the Convert Hello, good…

Consumer disruption and how it impacts your marketing strategy

Consumer disruption and how it impacts your marketing strategy Consumers make decisions based on their personal preferences across multiple channels. Understand that process and ensure that you offer a consistent cross-channel brand experience. What are the 3 biggest challenges facing brands today? Tune in. Consumer Disruption and How it Impacts Your Marketing Strategy Good afternoon,…

Contextual digital content at scale will explode your business for good or for bad. Are you prepared?

Contextual digital content at scale will explode your business for good or for bad. Are you prepared? Executing a successful contextual digital content at scale campaign has the potential to expose the strengths and weaknesses of your company. Are you prepared for the growth? Tune in. Contextual Digital Content at Scale will Explode Your Business…

How to perform CPR (Contextual + Pre-Roll) Video Branding to revive and grow your business

How to perform CPR (Contextual + Pre-Roll) Video Branding to revive and grow your business The changes Google made in 2017 to its AdWords platform to allow marketers to leverage Search History against video creative is not only a game changer, but it is a sneaky strategy to take advantage of underpriced attention. Why pay…

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 5 of 5

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 5 of 5 – Brand Advocate + Ambassadors Understanding the client journey through the five sections of a successful marketing funnel can provide great insight in creating relevant content tailored for step of their decision making process. In part five, we will discuss…

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 4 of 5

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 4 of 5 – Loyalty Understanding the client journey through the five sections of a successful marketing funnel can provide great insight in creating relevant content tailored for step of their decision making process. In part four, we will discuss the Loyalty section. Tune…

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 3 of 5

Breaking Down the 5 Sections of a Successful Digital Marketing Funnel. Part 3 of 5. Understanding the client journey through the five sections of a successful marketing funnel can provide great insight in creating relevant content tailored for step of their decision making process. In part three, we will discuss the Conversion section. Tune in.…