Responsive Web Design
Building websites that captivate and<br /> cultivate your audience.
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Social Media
Maximizing your social signal to boost<br /> your audience engagement.
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Mobile Web Apps
Applications to meet the needs of<br /> your audience on the go.
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Proven search strategies to help you<br /> be found above the competition.
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Responsive Web Design

In addition to being the online communication hub for your business or organization, your website is also the first online impression of your brand. At RBOA, we help clients create websites that are functional, easy to navigate, eye-catching, socially integrated and search engine optimized.

Our website services include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Website development and design
  • Social media integration
  • Blogs, microsites, member-only sites and forums
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) integration
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Mobile web compatibility
  • Automated e-news and RSS feeds
Social Media

In an increasingly connected world, social media is an essential component of any business plan. Active social media engagement offers the ability to build relationships, monitor conversations, receive valuable feedback on products and services and keep your audiences up-to-date with your most current news and information. At RBOA, we offer a wide range of social media services to help businesses and organizations at any stage of their social media development.

Our social media services include:

  • Counseling and strategic plans
  • Profile design and development
  • Ongoing engagement (posting, monitoring, evaluating, reporting)
  • Internal social media policies and procedures
  • Measurement and analytics tools
  • Training and events (parties, workshops, seminars)
Mobile Web Apps

Smart phones and tablets have revolutionized the way consumers receive and share news and information. Mobile marketing offers the opportunity to connect with your target audiences while they are on-the-go and provide them with the information they want, when they want it.

Mobile App Features:

  • Full Mobile Design using existing brands and colors.
  • GPS Directions gives your customers turn-by-turn directions to your business from anywhere in the world.
  • GPS Coupon feature creates mobile coupons for customers to unlock by “checking in” at your business.
  • One-Touch Calling from inside your app. No numbers to save or remember.
  • Tell-A-Friend feature lets your customers take your business viral with built-in sharing capabilities over Email, SMS, Facebook and Twitter.
  • A Point of Interest displays any points of interest on a map.
  • Event Listings feature allows you to include all of your business events on the go.
  • Contact Information allows you to give customers turn-by-turn directions to your business as well as other contact information like one-touch dialing and email.
  • Email Photo feature allows customers to take or send a photo and email it directly to your business.
  • Native Image Gallery allows you to display images of your business in a beautiful image gallery optimized for iPhone and Android.
  • Fan Wall feature allows customers to leave feedback on your business. Manage the comments online.
  • Push Notifications send messages to your customers whenever you’d like, using our easy to use CMS.
  • Flexible Counter allows for your customers to count items related to your business and have them email the results to you.
  • Mailing List feature allows you to stay in contact with your customers by gathering names and emails directly inside your app.
  • Tip Calculator feature helps customers quickly calculate a tip.
  • QR Coupons feature allows customers to redeem coupons at your business by scanning a specified QR code.
  • Mortgage Calculator feature where you can preset an interest rate to calculate mortgage payments.
  • Social Media Integration for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and/or MySpace to connect with your customers through their favorite social media sites.
  • Email Marketing Integration for MyEmma, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, Get Response, iContact or MailChimp integration allows you to import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your email marketing campaign service.
  • OpenTable integration allows you to use your mobile app for on-the-go restaurant reservations.
  • Podcast integration allows your users to listen on-the-go from their favorite mobile device.
  • SoundCloud integration allows users to listen to any audio file online on their mobile device.
  • Shopping Cart feature allows you to add and sell items through your mobile app via PayPal or Google Checkout.
  • Notepad feature allows users to record text notes and email them to anyone at any time.
  • Voice Recorder feature allows users to record voice notes and email them to anyone at any time.
  • AdMob (Mobile Ads Feature) easily integrates ads into your app using the best mobile ad providers available.
  • Photo Sharing for Flickr or Picasa integration displays images of your business directly from your Flickr or Picasa accounts.
  • WuFoo integration allows you to easily create an appointment, order, feedback or contact form.
  • YouTube integration allows you to display hundreds of videos from your YouTube channel.

Can people find your products or services when they don’t know your name? At RBOA, we help businesses and organizations climb the SEO ladder to improve their search engine results, stay ahead of the competition and increase their site visibility.

Our SEO services include:

  • SEO-optimized websites
  • Keyword analysis
  • SEO plans
  • Paid and organic search result strategies