Are you winning the digital attention game? Or are you sitting on the sidelines whining about the rules?

Are you #winning the digital attention game? Or are you sitting on the sidelines whining about the rules? Those who are #winning define the rules: 1) Be 100% all-in at what you do 2) Be fearless in telling, showing and sharing it 3) Be laser-focused on eliminating negativity 4) Be vigilant in self-accountability (protect you and yours…

RBOA and Digital Opps: Weekly Digital Digest (August 20 – August 24, 2018)

RB Oppenheim Associates and Digital Opps remain committed to deliver the latest public relations and digital marketing news and tips. As go-to social media accounts for topics ranging from PR, marketing, communications, tech tips and trends and web design, each week we post the latest content to help you with your PR and digital marketing…

What is your #1 obstacle in reaching new business?

What is your #1 obstacle in reaching new business? Need more customers? Need greater reach? Here’s how: the Internet. It is simple, but it takes work. You must have some mix of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, Podcast, Mobile website, Blog and email marketing. What’s the secret to great content? #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn  

RBOA and Digital Opps: Weekly Digital Digest (August 13 – August 17, 2018)

RB Oppenheim Associates and Digital Opps remain committed to deliver the latest public relations and digital marketing news and tips. As go-to social media accounts for topics ranging from PR, marketing, communications, tech tips and trends and web design, each week we post the latest content to help you with your PR and digital marketing…

RBOA and Digital Opps: Weekly Digital Digest (August 6 – August 10, 2018)

RB Oppenheim Associates and Digital Opps remain committed to deliver the latest public relations and digital marketing news and tips. As go-to social media accounts for topics ranging from PR, marketing, communications, tech tips and trends and web design, each week we post the latest content to help you with your PR and digital marketing…

Understanding how consumers think and feel about your brand is key

The Internet will kill your business in the next 5-7 years if you ignore it. Ask Compaq Computers, Kodak, Radio Shack, Blockbuster, Toys R Us, The Limited, Wet Seal, Payless Shoes if it’s true. The Internet hasn’t changed us, it has exposed us. Understanding how society thinks and feels about your industry is key. Start…

What’s the greatest fuel that drives innovation? People with Passion

What’s the greatest fuel that drives innovation? Passion. Steve Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world.” How does passion impact your business? Seek it. Recognize when it’s lost. Understand it. Applaud it when you experience it in your day-to-day routine. Let’s fuel the passion economy. #digitalappetitzer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps