Fund Education Now!, was established in 2009 by Florida moms Kathleen Oropeza, Linda Kobert, and Christine Bramuchi, in response to the state Legislature’s aggressive public education funding cuts., was established in 2009 by Florida moms Kathleen Oropeza, Linda Kobert, and Christine Bramuchi, in response to the state Legislature’s aggressive public education funding cuts.
Established in 1978, Law, Redd, Crona & Munroe (LRC&M) are one of the largest CPA firms in Tallahassee, Florida.
BritishAmerican Business is a transatlantic business network dedicated to championing our members’ ideas, interests, people and values.
The Florida Police Chiefs Association is the third largest state police chiefs association in the United States.
How social media celebrities can kick start your brand How many followers does your business have on social media? As well as your company might be doing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it’s hard to compete with the grassroots success of social media celebrities. According to this TechCrunch article, 21 out of the top twenty-five…
Retargeting is a powerful digital marketing technique when campaigns are run correctly. We recommend the following best practices to help ensure you craft retargeting campaigns that result in the brand lift and ROI you may have heard about: 1. Frequency Caps One or two visits to your website doesn’t mean prospects want to start seeing…
When successful brands look at the online resources, tools, and platforms they have at their disposal, YouTube always surfaces to the top. For the past 10 years, it has solidified itself as the premier host for visual content and perhaps the single most valuable marketing channel on the web. It can easily be integrated into…
Instagram is a great place to make a name for your brand, and while certain types of businesses (like the fashion and food industries) may find it a lot easier to gain a following than others, it’s definitely not a social network you should rule out. Before you take on the visual world of Instagram,…
In his book Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business, search engine optimization and online marketing expert consultant Ted Prodromou explains how you can use LinkedIn to quickly engage with ideal customers, partners, and employees, showcase your company and attract new opportunities. In this edited excerpt, the author discusses the analytics tools that are available on…