Bring your business back to life: 7 Steps of business CPR
Has your business flat-lined? Time for business CPR? Here are 7 steps to breathe life back into your business. #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps
Has your business flat-lined? Time for business CPR? Here are 7 steps to breathe life back into your business. #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps
Don’t let your website visitors bounce! Why you should care and how you can decrease your bounce rate to increase website new business opportunities. Here are 5 tactics: 1) Content bites and chunks 2) Better visuals 3) Compelling call-to-actions 4) Blogging 5) Use Google Keyword Planner #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn
Why you should or shouldn’t plug-in your amp! Is it time to increase your reach to grow your business? Don’t make a costly mistake. You might be costing yourself potential lost revenue. Here are 3 keys to prepare for growth: 1) Document your growth process 2) Train others to help lift 3) Boost your visibility…
Why you should add a Podcast to your marketing plan NOW! Your audience is constantly on the go so give them the flexibility to tune in. Podcast is perfect for hyper-targeting your audience and has huge SEO value. In 2018, 24% of Americans listen to a podcast regularly. is a free tool that can syndicate your…
How to use your blog to meet your clients at any stage of the buyer journey. Draft your content to match these stages: Awareness – Need recognized, Consideration – Investigative research and Evaluation of reviews, Decision-Making – Decision time. This is a digital appetizer for your virtual lunch and learn.
Are you #winning the digital attention game? Or are you sitting on the sidelines whining about the rules? Those who are #winning define the rules: 1) Be 100% all-in at what you do 2) Be fearless in telling, showing and sharing it 3) Be laser-focused on eliminating negativity 4) Be vigilant in self-accountability (protect you and yours…
How do you deliver value long after sale? Providing a custom recording of a one-on-one screenshare and audio recording in a video format is a great “beyond the sale” product. Using is an effective tool to to show the value, explain the benefit, find out questions and demonstrate solutions. #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn
Working at something you hate is called stress, working at something you love is called passion. – Simon Sinek What are the 5 ingredients of work? 1) Hustle – make every minute count 2) Follow through – finish as strong as you start 3) Positive mojo – Optimism through challenges 4) Magic of listening –…
RB Oppenheim Associates and Digital Opps remain committed to deliver the latest public relations and digital marketing news and tips. As go-to social media accounts for topics ranging from PR, marketing, communications, tech tips and trends and web design, each week we post the latest content to help you with your PR and digital marketing…