Does your business have a social media triage in place?

Does your business have a social media triage in place? Whether comments are positive or negative you need to have a plan in place on how to respond. Having a response plan (triage) consists of analyzing and evaluating the comment and determining the right course of action. See a link to the social media triage…

Complaining is the toxic virus that will kill your business/productivity.

Complaining is the toxic virus that will kill your business/productivity. The 3 types are The Venter, The Sympathy Seeker and The Cronic Complainer. Complaining rewires (firing synapses) your brain weakening your immune system, raising blood pressure and elevating stress levels releasing the hormone cortisol. Complaining can literally kill you. #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps

Impact of industry disruption for small businesses: Who’s at risk?

Let’s cheer for local businesses! Backbone of America’s economy. Scary trend: 4 million more business deaths than births in last decade. What keeps the doors open? Who is at risk? How can you stay on your game? #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps#ihearttally #localbusiness

How to crush a local marketing campaign – SMASH all the boxes at once!

How to crush a local marketing campaign – SMASH all the boxes at once! Inbox, Mailbox, Facebook Feed, Geo-fence, Text and Retarget. You MUST have bold, compelling call-to-action and straight to the point. Prep your list/data and have lightening fast response time for new leads. Go get ’em! #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps

3 Keys to prepare for growth – why you should or shouldn’t plug-in your amp

Why you should or shouldn’t plug-in your amp! Is it time to increase your reach to grow your business? Don’t make a costly mistake. You might be costing yourself potential lost revenue. Here are 3 keys to prepare for growth: 1) Document your growth process 2) Train others to help lift 3) Boost your visibility…

How to use your blog to meet your clients at any stage of the buyer’s journey

How to use your blog to meet your clients at any stage of the buyer journey. Draft your content to match these stages: Awareness – Need recognized, Consideration – Investigative research and Evaluation of reviews, Decision-Making – Decision time. This is a digital appetizer for your virtual lunch and learn.