The Maslow Effect: A deep dive into the science of why digital content goes viral

Who is Abraham Maslow and how does his theory of human behavioral motivations shed light on why some digital content goes viral. This extended episode is a deep dive into the science behind human emotions and the triggers of social media viral content. Tune in.

In this podcast episode, Michael Winn, the Chief Digital Officer of Digital Ops, discusses the “Moz Low Effect,” which explores why content goes viral. The conversation centers around Abraham Maslow’s 1943 hierarchy of needs, illustrating how fundamental human motivations influence our online behavior. The hierarchy begins with basic physiological needs, followed by safety, love and belonging, and esteem, and culminates in self-actualization. Wynn emphasizes that social media acts as a platform for individuals to express their identities and share their experiences, whether seeking connection, security, or recognition. Examples include sharing safety updates during crises or celebrating personal achievements and milestones. Ultimately, the discussion reveals that our motivations for sharing content online are deeply rooted in human psychology, underscoring the enduring relevance of Maslow’s theory in understanding digital engagement.