by: Madelynn Graham, Account Coordinator 

A new month has started, and in the PR world that means compiling monthly summary reports with the marketing highlights and triumphs. These reports can be tedious, especially when you find yourself using jargon that even your word processing program doesn’t recognize. Rather than dedicating your report to defining terms like “engaged users” and “total reach,” try to use the monthly summary as just that – a summary.

Follow these simple tips to keep your report effective, concise and relevant:

Graphs and charts mean nothing without defined data range.

  • Be clear. Show the client the benefits of engaged users and total reach instead of just listing statistics. Charts and graphs are great visual aids, but they can be a waste of time if your client does not understand what they represent. Use examples, like notable comments and feedback, to demonstrate the value of engagement.
  • Be brief. Condense your report to one or two pages, with clear objectives and progression statistics. Include only the pertinent information, but be sure to contextualize all statistics and graphs in a way that makes sense. Your clients are busy too, so be sure to make the important information easy to find!
  • Be visual.  Sometimes a chart or diagram can explain much more than a number, especially when you are looking at trends and growth. Include graphics and visual elements on your report, but make sure these are relevant and include captions as necessary.


As advertising and marketing go digital, monthly reports are essential for tracking progress. Most clients do not have time to monitor their business’s social media accounts and web activity – that’s why they hired you! When creating client reports, adhere to a clean format that is visually appealing and organized. Screenshots are another great visual tool when you want to show interaction between fans and followers of the clients and also to feature exceptional viral posts.

Consider your report like a “letter home” from camp. Your client is looking for the highlights, not a play-by-play of the month’s activity. Don’t bore them with the minute details – give them an interesting snapshot of your accomplishments!