By: Adrianne Miller, Account Manager

In the realm of public relations, creativity is a necessity and a mandatory expertise. One of the many roles of a PR pro is to ignite imagination to constantly produce fresh ideas! With that in mind, what can artistic minds do when encumbered by the occasional ominous creative block?

You know you’ve been there . . . frustration creeps in to infiltrate your thoughts, and you end up with your head in your hands accompanied by the aching desire to escape the pressure of time, noise and distractions, and seek inspiration somewhere with strong coffee and candles.

When you don’t have the option to hole up in a dimly lit coffee shop with soothing tunes streaming from a Pandora station to inspire deeper thinking, you have to seek that spark elsewhere. You have to find it within yourself (insert cheesy lyrics from the Swedish pop duo, Roxette, here . . . listen to your heart) and generate the inventive juices lurking in your brain.

Consider these feel-good tips to light fireworks in your think-tank:

  • Be a rock star on your subject. Before you ever begin a project, it’s crucial to get savvy with your topic. If a random stranger seeks your advice, the chances that you’re going to deliver a sufficient solution are slim to none. On the other hand, if your best friend needs help solving a problem, you’ll be more likely to offer innovative or novel advice because you understand your friend on a deeper level than the random stranger who wanted to pick your brain. Don’t let your project be a stranger.
  • Be the master of time management. Schedule some time each week to tend to your bedside stack of good intentions and shower your bright ideas with a little TLC. Taking time to connect your creative dots will help organize your thoughts, develop your good ideas and settle the mental dust.
  • Be open to advice. Have a chin-up response to feedback and be willing to rub elbows with your fellow peers when seeking advice. By allowing others to help and contribute, you are acknowledging that learning never ceases.
  • Be okay with failing. While no one enjoys messing up, you can allow your errors to be the forces behind big changes. Don’t let criticism paralyze your progress. Accepting your errors and learning from your mistakes shapes your talents and allows you to grow and do great things in the PR industry!
  • Be your own cheerleader. Insecurity in your abilities can suppress creativity and that’s why it’s important to remain resilient. Negativity is a dangerous obstacle and will undoubtedly cramp your style and hinder your productivity. According to a study by ABC Medical News Unit, “happy emotions boost creativity.” Trust your instincts and believe that you can produce something exciting and worthwhile. Keep tabs on the progress you make and the positive feedback you receive.

It’s okay to allow your inner Katy Perry to pat you on the back and sing your praises: “Baby you’re a firework, come on let your colors burst” (and of course, “make ’em go Oh, Oh, Oh”).