Giving YouTube the Love it Deserves

by Diana Lewis Account Coordinator With all the buzz about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networks, many people haven’t noticed the improvements and new face of YouTube. From your favorite sports highlights and dance competitions to make-up tutorials, science experiments and even movies, we all know there’s a lot of great stuff on YouTube.  But, YouTube has updated and upgraded…

The Social Media Undead

Social media feeds off user-generated content. Without active members, social media sites cannot thrive.  Throughout the digital revolution, we have seen countless social networks rise to popularity only to fade away in cyberspace: But not all social media sites die off entirely like Friendster did. Some sites refuse to say goodbye, and they march on…

Facebook Updates Its Playbook

Since Google+ made its debut June 28, 2011, there has been a windstorm of posts and articles on the internet about whether Facebook has finally met a worthy opponent. However, at the rate Facebook is evolving, Google+ may have to implement a hurry-up offense just to contend – probably why the once invitation-only platform is public after only…