As we look to the future, we seek to improve our company culture in order to meet the needs of our team members working in a modern agency. Company culture is not just about the social interactions between team members, it is about the WAY we do what we do and how we feel about the WAY we do it. Our culture is who we are and who we aspire to be. As a result of the pandemic, we recognize that our shift to a remote team working environment has created a need for us to evaluate our processes. 

This survey is an important opportunity for us to understand how employees feel about their role, team, company, etc., by providing anonymous and honest feedback. Your responses will not harm nor impact your growth, opportunities or career at RBOA and will strictly be used to analyze what we’re doing well as a company and where we could improve.

We hope that everyone will take the time to answer these questions honestly so that we can provide a clear definition of who we are and who we aspire to be. Your answers will be used to shape our agency culture for the next decade.