Apps to be Thankful For

By: Adrianne Miller, Account Manager It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .according to the music streaming through all shopping centers, restaurants and waiting rooms.  As soon as the Halloween costumes make their way to the clearance aisle, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations, music and advertisements come flooding in. Tis the season for…

Frightful PR Tales

By: Adrianne Miller, Account Manager While errors are commonplace to human nature, the occasional public relations blunder generally results in a higher magnitude of consequence than your everyday faux pas.  When PR professionals fail, they fail publicly.  Imagine making a judgment error that erupts into an epic failure, recognized by all. Feelings of dread, miserable nausea and heightened…

Capital EXECUTIVE Article: Associations Uncovered: Four Top Secret Digital Rescue Operations Revealed

From Key West to West Pensacola, the underground militias known as “keepers of the status quo” have launched a massive campaign to capture top members and volunteers of several key state and local associations, government agencies and non-profit organizations. Using mind numbing rhetoric and 20th century communication weapons, they have lulled members into a lethargic…