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Frightful PR Tales

By: Adrianne Miller, Account Manager While errors are commonplace to human nature, the occasional public relations blunder generally results in a higher magnitude of consequence than your everyday faux pas.  When PR professionals fail, they fail publicly.  Imagine making a judgment error that erupts into an epic failure, recognized by all. Feelings of dread, miserable nausea and heightened…

How Nike “Volted” Their way to Olympic Marketing Gold

By: Stephanie Aanstoos, Account Executive Over the summer, I took a class called Media and Consumer Behavior where each student gave a presentation on a related topic of interest. One of the most fascinating presentations was given by a Sports Marketing doctoral candidate on the topic of ‘ambush marketing.’ I was previously unaware of what…

The Letter Home: Reporting Back to Clients

A new month has started, and in the PR world that means compiling monthly summary reports with the marketing highlights and triumphs. These reports can be tedious, especially when you find yourself using jargon that even your word processing program doesn’t recognize. Rather than dedicating your report to defining terms like “engaged users” and “total reach”, try to use the monthly summary as just that – a summary.