Impact of industry disruption for small businesses: Who’s at risk?

Let’s cheer for local businesses! Backbone of America’s economy. Scary trend: 4 million more business deaths than births in last decade. What keeps the doors open? Who is at risk? How can you stay on your game? #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps#ihearttally #localbusiness

How to crush a local marketing campaign – SMASH all the boxes at once!

How to crush a local marketing campaign – SMASH all the boxes at once! Inbox, Mailbox, Facebook Feed, Geo-fence, Text and Retarget. You MUST have bold, compelling call-to-action and straight to the point. Prep your list/data and have lightening fast response time for new leads. Go get ’em! #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps