Complaining is the toxic virus that will kill your business/productivity.

Complaining is the toxic virus that will kill your business/productivity. The 3 types are The Venter, The Sympathy Seeker and The Cronic Complainer. Complaining rewires (firing synapses) your brain weakening your immune system, raising blood pressure and elevating stress levels releasing the hormone cortisol. Complaining can literally kill you. #digitalappetizer #virtuallunchandlearn Digital Opps

Merging great content with context for gaining audience attention

Happy #FridayFeeling – A guy walks into a bar and sees a group of ladies talking. He steps right up and says, “I’ve got a 2014 Volvo for sale, who’s ready for a ride?” #lame #convohijacking – Instead follow the rule of listen, observe and contextualize to gain attention. Gary Vee said it best, content is king, but context is…

The intersection of business growth and company culture

Today’s inspiration: Good to Great – Why some companies make the leap… and why some don’t. What is your concept of growth? What is your company culture? What is your attraction factor? #digitalappetitzer #lunchandlearn #goodtogreat Deeper dive – reference links from the video: Good to Great: Intel’s toxic culture: Drucker’s – Culture eats…